To Whom It May Concern:
Your work crew is finishing up the week long job of waterproofing our home. Since I have a two year old son and do not work outside the home, I was able to see how the men accomplished this very hard, very large task, day after day.
I believe I owe them, and especially the crew’s chief, this letter of commendation. The crew arrived each morning precisely on time. The men looked neat and clean. They worked all day without any interruption, except for a lunch break. They were quiet and friendly. Sometimes the heat was intense, but nothing slowed them down.
But, our highest praise is for the crew’s boss, who was always cheerful and smiling to us, and obviously concerned for his team. He supervised everything, , and all was done, we believe, very efficiently.
Many flowers and plantings had to be removed during the digging. The crew has replaced everything very nicely. I never thought it would look as good as it does now, after all that digging.
Your men, and especially your foreman, deserve this praise, and it was a pleasure to write this letter.
Sincerely Yours,
S. S.