Friday, June 26, 2009

Ohio State Waterproofing Customer Thank You Letter

Dear Ohio State Waterproofing

Thank you so much for doing my waterproofing, I have been wanting to do this for some time now almost 30 years. I have a lot of health problems and am anticipating a solution to mold that showed up in my lungs on a MRI exam. My chiropractor said that my allergies would diminish and my diabetes also, if the cause of the mold was removed. I am hoping my MS clears up also. I will let you know what an angle that is for a dry basement

Also, your workers are amazing, they are very hard workers. I could barely stand the 90° + heat and humidity, while under the fan and drinking iced tea! They were like energizer bunnies digging out that dirt around the foundation. They were easy to approach with questions and concerns, and amenable to my requests. Thanks for stopping by and inspecting the particulars of my concerns. I have had a wet basement for so long it is hard to believe that it may dry up and be livable. I am excited to see how this turns out.


L. E.
